Towards Resilient and Sustainable Floodplains
Held Tuesday, December 19, 2017 - 3:00 p.m. Eastern
- Marla Stelk, Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Larry Roth, Arcadis [PRESENTATION PDF]
People like to live and work near water. When that means occupying the floodplains of rivers and streams, they accept flood risk as the price for the benefits that being near water brings. Too often, however, they fail to understand or appreciate what the threat of flooding means. In the past century, the dominant strategy for reducing the risk of riverine flooding is building levees. This strategy, which has resulted in nearly 30,000 miles of levees bordering our rivers and streams, is neither resilient nor sustainable, especially considering climate change. Levee systems choke floodplains, stifle natural processes, and damage the ecosystem. Levees also create a false sense of security and stimulate development behind them putting even more people, property, and infrastructure at risk. This recognition has led the Dutch to adopt “make room for the rivers,” a strategy designed to improve resiliency and sustainability by moving people and property out of harm’s way and returning natural functions to floodplains. The Dutch flood risk reduction strategy is not new; the Chinese implemented it in the Chengdu Plain over 2,000 years ago.
Flood risk management and levee design over the past century has focused on level-of-protection (LOP); for example, there has been widespread use of the one-percent LOP methodology, which is the basis of the National Flood Insurance Program. A major limitation of LOP methodology, however, is that risk is not quantified because consequences are not considered. When risk is not quantified, we cannot measure cost-effectiveness of options to reduce risk, and we too often make decisions regarding flood risk reduction based on judgment and stakeholder preferences, not on considerations of resilience and sustainability, and not on efficient use of resources. When we quantify flood risk using probability and consequences, we can also quantify risk reduction afforded by structural options (e.g., levees) as well as non-structural means, which enables consideration of solutions that are more resilient and sustainable.
LOP methodology ignores residual risk; as risk cannot be eliminated, tolerable risk guidelines (TRG) can be effective in quantifying the residual risk that society may be willing to accept to receive certain benefits, for example living near water. An improved understanding of risk supports policy formulation, informs risk management decisions, enables evaluation of trade-offs, promotes transparent risk communications, and opens the door for resilient and sustainable flood risk reduction. TRG is also useful in allocating scarce resources, achieving equity, and promoting efficiency. History as shown that use of LOP tends to favor levees over non-structural risk reduction measures, and too often evaluation of non-structural measures is performed to “check the box” rather than to search for more efficient means. Using TRG, we can measure the cost effectiveness of non-structural mitigation and application of strategies to take advantage of natural floodplain functions. TRG enables us to monetize risk reduction benefits for the triple bottom line – social, environmental, and financial – leading to more resilient and sustainable flood risk reduction systems.
Please click only once on each video recording to view in this window.

Minnesota’s Overall and Watershed Approach to Flood Risk Reduction & Protection of Lakes & Streams
Held Thursday, November 30, 2017 3:00 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Eastern
Association of State Floodplain Managers
- Ceil Strauss, State Floodplain Manager, Minnesota Department of Natural Resource [PRESENTATION PDF]
Minnesota has had a multi-faceted approach to reducing the risk of flood damage. Preservation of open spaces, higher regulatory standards, active watershed districts and a partnership of state and local funding for flood risk reduction projects mitigation projects has helped Minnesotans to reduce and avoid flood damages. Minnesota is also investing heavily in clean water, with funds generated by a constitutional amendment that dedicates sales tax to the effort. Minnesota's Watershed Approach framework has evolved from this opportunity to efficiently address waterbody restoration (TMDLs) and protection. Statewide efforts, like the governor's buffer law and water summit, and “One Watershed One Plan” pilots, also play a key role in achieving clean water goals. Still, widespread changes in the status quo of land and water management are needed for Minnesota to achieve success.
Please click only once on each video recording to view in this window.
The Iowa Watershed Approach: A New Paradigm for Flood Resilience
Held Tuesday, October 24, 2017 - 3:00 p.m. Eastern
- Marla Stelk, Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers
- Allen Bonini, Iowa Department of Natural Resources
[PRESENTATION PDF] - Dr. Craig Just, University of Iowa
[PRESENTATION PDF] - Melissa Miller, Iowa Water Center
[PRESENTATION PDF] - Breanna Shea, Iowa Flood Center, University of Iowa
[PRESENTATION PDF] - Jake Hansen, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship- Division of Soil Conservation and Water Quality
[PRESENTATION PDF] - Jessica Turba, Disaster Recovery Operations Bureau of Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management
From 2011-2013, Iowa suffered eight Presidential Disaster Declarations, encompassing 73 counties and more than 70% of the state. Devastating as these events were, 2011-2013 do not represent Iowa’s worst flood years. Long-term data show that heavy precipitation and flooding events are increasing in frequency across the Midwest. Under these circumstances, a new paradigm for flood resilience is needed—one that decreases flood risk, improves water quality, and increases community flood resilience.
The Iowa Watershed Approach (IWA) is a watershed –scale program based on a holistic approach recognizing that 1) heavy precipitation and flooding events are increasing in frequency; 2) upstream activities impact downstream communities; 3) upstream and downstream communities need to voluntarily work together; 4) when possible, flooding should be addressed at its source, using science-based, reasonable, cost-effective practices; 5) improving community resilience to floods requires risk mitigation and community directed initiatives and planning; and 6) program strategies must also respect, protect, and sustain Iowa’s valuable agricultural economy, which provides food, fuel, and fiber for the world and sustains family incomes for many Iowans.
The IWA panelists discussed the program objectives, their specific role in the process, and the progress made in the first year of implementation.

Integrated Stream and Wetland Restoration: A watershed approach to improved water quality on the landscape
Held July 25, 2017 - 3:00 p.m. ET
- Marla Stelk, Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers [PRESENTATION PDF]

The Naturally Resilient Communities Project: Siting Guide and Case Studies Mainstreaming of Natural Infrastructure to Address Coastal and Riverine Flooding
- Nathan Woiwode, Risk Reduction and Resilience Project Manager, The Nature Conservancy
Naturally Resilient Communities is a partnership of county governments, professional engineers, community planners, floodplain managers and conservationists who work with communities to improve their quality of life and economies. Supported by the Kresge Foundation, the effort includes the National Association of Counties, the American Planning Association, the Association of State Floodplain Managers, the American Society of Civil Engineers, Sasaki Associates, and The Nature Conservancy.
1. The origins and purpose of the Naturally Resilient Community project.
2. The strategy typology and how and why it was developed
3. Select case studies
4. A tour of the interactive siting guide.

The Value of Nature: Practical Applications for Managers
Held Tuesday, February 21, 2017 - 3:00 p.m. EST
- Elizabeth Schuster, Environmental Economist, The Nature Conservancy [PRESENTATION PDF]

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