Monitoring and Assessment
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has measured wetland losses for half a century and subsequently produced periodic Status and Trends studies on the nation's wetlands. These reports are based on a statistical sampling of the National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps that focus on wetland acreage. Over the past two decades, studies in wetland health and trends in wetland health have gained importance in understanding the quantity and quality of the nation’s wetlands. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in partnership with states and tribes, conducted the first ever national wetlands condition assessment in 2011; the survey was repeated in 2016 and 2021. More information on the NWCA is available here. States and tribes also conduct wetland assessments, and have developed a number of tools for assessment, such as: Rapid Assessment Methods (RAM); criteria for determining functions, values, ecosystem services; and ecological integrity assessments, using biological indicators. Local governments and nonprofit organizations may employ similar and other wetland assessment methods specific to their locality. Wetland monitoring and assessment information is used in regulatory and voluntary wetland programs and other areas.
Monitoring and assessment is one component of the U.S. EPA’s Core Elements Framework. To view the EPA’s webpage on monitoring and assessment, click here.

NAWM Publications & Resources:
- Uses of Wetland Monitoring and Assessment: Considerations for State and Tribal Programs (June 2015)
- NAWM National Wetland Condition Assessment Communication Documents and Templates for Use by States and Tribes
- National Wetland Monitoring & Assessment Work Group Webinars
- Suggested Checklist of Considerations When Developing Wetland Assessment Methods
- Assessing the Natural and Beneficial Functions of Floodplains: Issues and Approaches; Future Directions
- Recommendations for Reconciling Wetland Assessment Techniques
- Wetland Assessment Report Series by Jon Kusler, Esq., Ph.D.:
- Common Questions: Wetland Assessment
- Common Questions: Definition of the Terms Wetland "Function" and "Value"

Other Useful Publications:
- Biological Assessment Program Review: Assessing Level of Technical Rigor to Support Water Quality Management (U.S. EPA)
- Application of Elements of a State Water Monitoring and Assessment Program for Wetlands (EPA, April 2006)
- REPORT: Preparing for the Third Decade (Cycle 3) of the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program (NAS, 2012)
- An Integrated Wetland Assessment Toolkit (International Union for Conservation of Nature, 2009)
- A Practical Guide for the Development of a Wetland Assessment: the California Experience (Martha A. Sutula, Eric D. Stein, Joshua N. Collins, A. Elizabeth Fetscher, and Ross Clark)
- An Evaluation of Wetland Assessment Techniques and Their Applications to Decision Making (EPA)
- A Rapid Assessment System for Riparian and Stream Corridors for California: A Discussion on How Can We Improve a Rapid Assessment System for Streams? (A. L. Riley, Ph.D., Watershed Division and Jill Marshall, P.G., TMDL and Planning Division of the San Francisco Bay Region Water Quality Control Board)
- Rapid Permit Process for Stream Protection (San Francisco Bay Region Water Quality Control Board, California, February 2008)
- Rapid Permit Checklist (San Francisco Bay Region Water Quality Control Board)
- Classification and Conservation Assessment of High Elevation Wetland Communities in the Allegheny Mountains of West Virginia (WV DNR – December 2007)

Federal Assessment Links:
- EPA - National Wetland Condition Assessment (PDF)
- EPA - Fact Sheet on Wetland Monitoring and Assessment (PDF)
- USGS National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program
- USGS - Western Assessment History
- Army Corps of Engineers - Aquaitc and Wetlands Ecosystem Research and Development Center
State Wetland Assessment Links:
- California - Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM)
- Louisiana - Wetland Monitoring and Assessment of Restoration (PDF)
- Maine - Beginning With Habitat
- Maine - Natural Areas Program
- Maine - Wetland Assessment Bioassessment
- Massachusetts - Umass Amherst Conservation Assessment and Prioritization System (CAPS)
- Massachusetts - Coastal Zone Management Wetland Assessment
- Minnesota Rapid Assessment Method & Floristic Quality Assessment Project
- Montana - Rapid Assessment Method
- Ohio - OEPA's Assessment Reports
- Ohio - OEPA's An Ecological and Functional Assessment of Urban Wetlands in Central Ohio, Vol. 1: Condition of Urban Wetlands using Rapid & Intensive Assessment Methods (PDF)
- Oregon - Wetland Assessment Manual (PDF)
- Oregon - Wetland Assessment Methods