The National Association of Wetland Managers (NAWM) and Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota – Geospatial Services (SMUMN GSS) developed this online training series focused on a variety of water quality and aquatic resource management issues identified by tribal members and staff as those areas which will provide long-term benefits to tribal personnel. The online training modules have been developed to augment in-person training workshops and are available on-demand to assist in training new tribal staff and to provide a refresher for more experienced tribal water quality and aquatic resource managers.
Target Audience:
The target audience for these training modules is tribal water quality and aquatic resources staff, including wetland and aquatic resource field staff, tribal water quality and aquatic resource managers, and Tribal Nation members; other interested parties may include water quality/resource professionals at state agencies, local municipalities, non-governmental organizations, and private consulting companies.
List of Tribal Clean Water Act Training Modules:
Module 1: Introduction to the Federal Process for Identifying Wetlands
Module 2: Data Management
Module 3: Treatment as a State (TAS)
Module 4: Thinking Geospatially
Module 5: Introduction to Tribal Water Quality Standards
Optional Module Quiz and Certificate of Completion for Use in Applying for Continuing Education Credits (CEUs)
Each online module in the Tribal Clean Water Act Training Series is accompanied by an optional knowledge assessment quiz available through ClassMarker. The quiz assesses understanding of the key take-away points of the training module.
To receive a Certificate of Completion for the selected online module, participants must certify that they viewed the online training and complete the quiz with a minimum score of eighty percent (80%) for the knowledge-based questions. Participants scoring less than eighty percent of the knowledge-based questions correctly will be provided one additional opportunity to pass the quiz (total of two attempts).
Module 1: Introduction to the Federal Process for Identifying Wetlands
This training module is an introduction to the federal process for identifying wetlands and wetland determination methodologies. An overview of each of the three parameters used to identify a wetland (hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology) and criteria will be provided.
By taking part in this online training, participants should be able to:
- Understand the basics of the Corps 1987 Manual for identifying wetlands.
- Become familiar with the three-parameter approach to wetlands identification.
- Understand the routine method for sampling wetlands manual parameters.
- Gain a knowledge of the regionalization of the manual, plant frequency of occurrence, hydric soil indicators and supporting documentation. And-
- Be prepared for a weeklong manual field training course.
- Jeff Lapp, National Association of Wetland Managers [PDF Presentation]

To access the module quiz, select the Module 1 Quiz button to transfer to the ClassMarker system. Upon successful completion of the module quiz, you will be eligible for a Certificate of Completion for 1.5 hours of training.

This training covers basic principles for effective data management and introduces two systems used by the EPA for submitting and sharing water-related data and information: WQX and ATTAINS.
By taking part in this online training, participants should be able to:
1. Practice some basic principles for effective data management
2. Give a short definition/explanation of metadata.
3. Understand what WQX and ATTAINS are and can do for your program.
4. Explain, generally, what a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) is.
5. Understand where/how data assessment fits into the data life cycle.
- Kathy Allen, SMUMN GSS Natural Resource Analyst [PDF Presentation]

To access the module quiz, select the Module 2 Quiz button to transfer to the ClassMarker system. Upon successful completion of the module quiz, you will be eligible for a Certificate of Completion for 1.5 hours of training.

Module 3: Treatment as a State (TAS)
This training will provide an overview of Treatment as a State (TAS), including the process of obtaining TAS approval from EPA and a review of the regulatory programs and grant programs under which Tribes may apply for TAS.
By taking part in this online training, participants should be able to:
1. Understand the cooperative federalism approach that underlies the CWA.
2. Know which CWA programs can be administered by Tribes with TAS.
3. Become familiar with basic requirements for getting TAS.
4. Understand additional requirements to getting TAS for specific programs.
5. Be able to discuss considerations for when your Tribe is deciding whether to seek TAS.
- Donna Downing, National Association of Wetland Managers [PDF Presentation]
To Take the Quiz and Receive a Certificate of Completion for this Module
To access the module quiz, select the Module 3 Quiz button to transfer to the ClassMarker system. Upon successful completion of the module quiz, you will be eligible for a Certificate of Completion for 1 hour of training.
Module 4: Thinking Geospatially
This training will introduce geospatial tools and techniques as they relate to clean water management on the landscape. Benefits and examples of using available geospatial tools will be introduced.
By taking part in this online training, participants should be able to:
1. Define "geospatial".
2. Understand the potential benefits of "thinking geospatially".
3. Gain Confidence in taking action to explore a question with geospatial components.
- Elise Rosengren, St. Mary's University of Minnesota [PDF Presentation]
To Take the Quiz and Receive a Certificate of Completion for this Module
To access the module quiz, select the Module 4 Quiz button to transfer to the ClassMarker system. Upon successful completion of the module quiz, you will be eligible for a Certificate of Completion for 1 hour of training.
Module 5: Introduction to Tribal Water Quality Standards
This training will introduce water quality standards generally and provide an overview of how Tribes can develop standards and why they might wish to do so.
By taking part in this online training, participants should be able to:
1. Understand how water quality standards fit into the broader CWA statutory scheme.
2. Know the different parts of a water quality standards, and what roles Tribes, federal agencies, and states may play in play in developing those standards.
3. Become familiar with the process for a Tribe to receive “treatment in a manner similar to a state” (TAS) for water quality standards.
4. Be able to discuss considerations for receiving TAS for water quality standards developed under the CWA, as opposed to developing and implementing standards under tribal law.
5. Understand how water quality standards for wetlands might look different than for other types of resources.
- Donna Downing, National Association of Wetland Managers [PDF Presentation]
To Take the Quiz and Receive a Certificate of Completion for this Module
To access the module quiz, select the Module 5 Quiz button to transfer to the ClassMarker system. Upon successful completion of the module quiz, you will be eligible for a Certificate of Completion for 1 hour of training.
You will need to develop username and password in ClassMarker for each online quiz. Once you click on the quiz link, you will be prompted again to provide your name and email address. This will be used to process your certificate.
Participants who both view the module presentation and successfully complete the module quiz are eligible for an NAWM Certificate of Completion.
To receive your certificate, you must BOTH:
1. Certify that you completed viewing the Tribal Wetland Programs training module video presentation. Answering “no” will result in no certificate being issued.
2. Complete all knowledge quiz questions with the required minimum of eighty percent (80%) of the questions answered correctly. You will be provided two attempts to take the quiz for the module. If at the end of your second attempt you have not been able to achieve a minimum score of eighty percent, you will not be eligible to receive a certificate.
You will be prompted to download your Certificate of Completion from ClassMarker after you complete the quiz. Once you download your certificate, you can then submit the certificate to the accrediting organization of your choice to potentially receive continuing education units/credits.
If you did not answer at least 80% of the quiz questions correct on your first attempt, you can re-take the test one more time (total of two attempts). Return to the NAWM module page and START the test again (vs Resume).
You must use the same email, username and password for the second quiz attempt for this same module. ClassMarker will recognize your email for the specific training module and will not charge you for the second attempt. If you do not achieve at least 80% of the quiz questions correct on your second attempt, you will not be eligible to receive a Certificate of Completion.
If you have any questions, please contact Laura Burchill at or contact the NAWM office at (207) 892-3399.