Coastal Adaptation to Sea Level Rise Tool (COAST)
Monday, December 10, 2012 – 3:00 p.m. EST
- Jeanne Christie, ASWM
- Sam Merrill, New England Environmental Finance Center
- Ed Thomas, Esq., Natural Hazards Mitigation Association
Thinking Outside the Box Culvert Understanding Flood Management and Natural Floodplain Mitigation
Tuesday, October 9, 2012 – 3:00 p.m. EST
- Jeanne Christie, ASWM
- David C. Fowler CFM, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District & ASFPM [PRESENTATION-PDF]
Floodplain management, for too long has been focused on structural flood damages with little consideration to the cultural, economic or environmental effects of a selected “flood control” strategy. Too often the dominant flood control strategy was to confine the river to a predefined channel size and capacity that maximized the availability of land for development or agriculture. This results in the river channel serving a simple utilitarian role as a conveyance structure to remove unwanted excess water as rapidly as possible. Efficiency in water transport was the ultimate goal, and this resulted in structural interventions being constructed at the expense of the natural system.
Impacts from structural flood control projects have resulted in both short term and long term consequences on the functioning of the natural drainage system (floodway and floodplain). Mitigation of these impacts and planning for future flooding (stormwater management) must be part of the design in an economically and environmentally sustainable watercourse system.

July 12, 2012 – 11:00 a.m. EST
Why Wetland Managers Should Care about Floodplains
- Jeanne Christie, ASWM
- Lynda Saul, Montana Department of Environmental Quality
Summary and Overview of the reauthorized National Flood Insurance Program
- Chad Berginnis, Executive Director, Association of State Floodplain Managers
FEMA IGA Advisory 7/12/2012 Exception to 30-Day Waiting Period for Flood Insurance Coverage
American Rivers and National Wildlife Federation Letter Opposing S. 2039 and Nature Conservancy Letter Opposing S. 2039 and S. 2039 A Bill to allow a State of local Government to construct levees on certain properties otherwise designated as open space lands.
View Past Natural Floodplain Functions Alliance Webinars
PDF List of Past Natural Floodplain Functions Alliance Webinar Recordings